In situations where emotions of anger, fear, doubt, hurt and other emotions are your drivers, you are much more likely to find yourself being reactive rather than proactive, leading to depression and anxiety.

Emotions are within and therefore follow you wherever you go – you can’t run from them

Whether in your life, running your own business, or working in the corporate world, you will encounter triggers.  They are within all of us and follow us wherever we go.  You can move across the world to get away from the emotions, the pain, or suffering but you can’t escape the trigger. It’s within you. Someone or something on the other side of the world can still trigger those emotions causing you to respond, and you then react.

Keeping emotions bottled in has a negative impact on you

There are those who keep quiet and keep emotions bottled in so as not to react.  Yet, this has a negative impact on you.  The problem is that you keep your emotions suppressed which lowers your energy and lowers your inner resilience. Suppressing emotions can have a negative effect on those, who are on the receiving end when your bottle cap is opened and the emotions come spewing out.  When that happens you don’t even realise what you are doing and you react in ways that are out of character of who you are.

Will people take advantage of me if I don’t react?

I am often asked, ”if I don’t have any emotions people will take advantage of me and walk all over me?”. Believing people are walking all over you will immediately cause you to react, rather than be proactive.  Once again, when you react, you are not in control of your emotions, you have lost control.  For me, I’d rather be proactive and know that I am always consciously aware of what I am saying and doing.  This way I don’t hurt myself with any regrets, unwanted emotions and I also don’t hurt anyone else.  Reacting with high levels of emotions has consequences for all of us.

If you are still asking – “why is this an issue?” the other reasons are:

  • When you are reacting you are out of character. Being proactive is in the character of who you are,
  • You say things you don’t mean.  Then regret and feel guilty (which is another emotion) about what you have said,
  • Reacting can cause you to become physical and hurt people in a fit of rage,
  • By reacting you become more emotional – how is this good for you?

When you are proactive you are in character of your true self.  Being proactive is a much more powerful place to be in. So, where would you rather be?

What does Neuroscience say about reactions?

Neuroscience has over decades proven that reactions are guesses, that your brain constructs in the blink of an eye, where billions of brain cells are working together.  You have more control over those guesses than you think.  But for some reason we think it’s right to react otherwise ‘you get walked all over’.  Instead, by reacting you are creating your own negative emotions within, so in fact, you actually doing harm to yourself.

Many people believe that if there is no pain or struggle, you not doing it right. Pain and struggle often mean you are being reactive rather than proactive.  Gong against your true self causes more and more pain and struggle in your life as you go against your character and core values.

How I can help

Learning to be more proactive can be hard to do alone. It is also unnecessary when I am here as an experienced Transformation Coach to help you through the tough moments.  By being proactive and less emotionally reactive you can reduce your anxiety, stop feeling depressed substantially.  You then have the choice of living a happy and peaceful life.  Call me today to experience how the proven techniques guide you out of being reactive to enjoy a more proactive future where you are in character of who you are and aligned with your core values.