Stress has the consequences of nausea, panic, lack of sleep all of which lead to anxiety, depression, and anger. You withdraw from people, you feel lonely. and you have no one to talk to. You and many others are under so much pressure already with the fear of retrenchment, fear of COVID, and fear of the unknown.
Stress probably started from a young age or it may have only started in the past year or two.
There are many reasons that may lead you to feel stressed:
- Taking full responsibility for your kids, while the father of your children doesn’t take any responsibility, and you are therefore left to look after yourself and your kids. Thus leaving you with no money for yourself;
- You’re not happy at work.
- You don’t get respect from people;
- You don’t feel like going to work, and while you’re there, you don’t feel good enough to do your job;
- Not happy with your siblings and possibly even your entire family;
- Inability to make decisions;
- No control of your life and the more you try to take control, the more you lose control;
- Not being heard by those around you;
- You feel no one appreciates what you do or sees what you do;
- Lack of confidence;
- Feel inferior to others;
- Fear of failure;
- Scared of being rejected;
What makes it worse is that you overthink and over analyse everything, not realising that this is the most threatening self-imposed problem creating further stress in your life. Overthinking causes a lack of sleep and fatigue during the day, thus further intensifying the stress you are already experiencing.
Stopping the stress takes a conscious effort to make the changes you yearn for.
4 Powerful Tips for change, you can make for yourself to reduce stress are:
- Change your routine in the morning. This helps you to stop connecting to your past thoughts;
- Be consciously aware of your thoughts. When the thoughts are running like a hamster on a wheel through your mind, or like a radio turned up with no off switch, take control of these thoughts and slow them down. Then eventually stop them;
- Become more mindful by slowing down your brainwaves in meditation;
- Once you master your mind in meditation, practice doing this during the day;
It can take time, through meditation to reach a place where your brainwaves slow, but it definitely is worth it and will make a difference in your life. However, another option is to fast-track your mental wellbeing from stress, anxiety, depression, anger to having a peaceful mindset, happiness, courage, and self-motivation through life coaching with me. To experience a positive difference within the first four sessions, book one free session with me now for a life-changing experience that will make you feel better, impacting your life in a positive way.