At the start of lockdown in South Africa, people are already feeling the impact financially, familial, socially and more, leading to fear, which develops to anger, depression, and anxiety.  Fear of the unknown has set in for many who are begging for answers.  Desperately seeking certainty of the future.

Your Choice To Stay In Your Comfort Zone Or Get Out?

The uncertainty has caused many to question what is happening in the world.  Some have interesting theories while others have daunting ones.  It is your choice to believe what you would like to believe.  It is your choice to see a brighter future or not.  Sometimes the universe has to force us to move out of our comfort zones and this could possibly be one way.  If we are not growing and evolving on our own, the forced change must come to get us moving again.

The world is going to change once we are over the coronavirus.  It is now your choice to align yourself with the change and move forward for great opportunities.  You have the ability to create them! Or you can choose to stay the same, however, be aware that you will be left behind.  It is time to make your choice.

Living In My Comfort Zone

For many years while on anti-depressants, I lived in my comfort zone like a zombie from day-to-day.  It was not me or who I was to stay the same. I was too ambitious and had to grow and evolve.  It was when I eventually came off the anti-depressants that I knew, there was more to life.  I didn’t know what it was but I knew there was something else.  I decided to make the change and move out of the rut I was in. Many changes came, some good and some bad.  However, that is the balance of life.  All I could hope for was that it would be rectified as time went by.

Why Vision Boards Don’t Work

I had no goals, no vision and lost my belief in any kind of purpose for my life.  Following my coaching program, I finally had to put my goals together.  By doing this I could also let go of my limiting beliefs around them.  I now have a vision board and I have a direction for my life.  I see how it is all coming together in its own good time.  I understand now why vision boards never worked for me before.  Saying affirmations every day that is aligned with supporting beliefs and emotions will bring positive outcomes.

You Are The Master Of Your Ship

Instead of focussing on the coronavirus and the negativity around it, I encourage you to review what your future can hold for you.  Take the time afforded to you during the lockdown and assess your goals. You are the master of your ship (your mind). You have the power within to decide, even through these challenging times, what you would like to have for yourself.

Free Offer During Lockdown

Join me for FREE online workshops during the 21-day lockdown to create your goals and vision board.  The first step is to contact me via email at by Tuesday the 31st of March 2020 so I can forward you details.

Having Direction And Clarity Will Bring You Peace Of Mind

Stop focussing on your anger and where you are now.  Stop the depression and anxiety in its tracks now.  Take the opportunity now to evolve and grow.  In this workshop, you will be shown a different way to review your life and decide what is important for you in the future.  I will guide you to look further and deeper into what you would like to have.  You will be taught how to develop your goals and put your vision board together in order for you to have direction and clarity going forward.  This will inspire you during challenging times to keep moving forward and bring you more peace of mind.

Thank you to Fotolia for the free image used in this blog