Anxiety and depression break down your self-esteem, ultimately resulting in a lack and inspiration for life. The pain of what you are holding onto will hold you back in your life causing feelings of stuckness, lack of purpose, questioning the point of life, and never feeling happy about life.
You may wonder how happiness starts from within when all your expectations, wantingness, or likes and dislikes are based on the external world. So you believe that is where your happiness comes from. You can only see where many external factors are causing problems in your life.
You are the answer to your happiness, and no one else. When you rely on your external world for your happiness, you will only find it temporarily, meaning the answers are short-lived and various problems start over again.
The mirrors are there reflecting what is going on inside of you, but you blame everything that is outside of you. Everything that is happening in your life is a trigger on your inside world. The feeling is stuck within you. All these thoughts that you are unsafe and insecure.
Here are 7 steps to working from the inside and not the outside:
- You feel the feeling and sit back and watch rather than engage in it
- Meditation to go within to find truth and deeper meaning
- You are already full, safe loved and secure
- Do what you do with purpose and passion
- Accept your lessons and you will be able to move forward quicker
- Stay in victim and you don’t rise and expand
- Find techniques that shift you from within rather than those that attempt to change your external world
By practising inner peace and self-love rather than stress, anxiety, fighting, resentment, revenge, anger, and all that makes your life a struggle, you will accomplish your goals. Peace, happiness, and love start from within.
Book one free session today by clicking here to contact Debbie to determine the root cause of your anxiety and depression to raise your confidence and self-esteem. Feel free, love, be happy, enjoy life again and put yourself out there in order to be the best version of yourself. It is natural and easy to do when you are open to the transformation. What do you have to lose?
Thank you to Fototlia for the free image