Inspiration and Happiness come from looking with what is lacking in your life which can bring on low self-confidence, depression and anxiety.  Lack from a young age can either drive you to succeed or continue in that mindset of lack.  Happiness is difficult to achieve when you live with a focus on lack.

Lack can create feelings of stuckness, uncertainty, fear, doubt, depression, anxiety or any other behavioural states that pull you downwards.  Feeling this way, can make it difficult to express your thoughts and feelings to others, as to elaborate why you are not okay. The result of this is that you even experience a lack of understanding from others, leaving you feeling like you have little or no support.

Here are seven steps you can take to start your journey of discovering inspiration and happiness:

  1. Stop avoiding and compensating for what’s coming up in your thoughts and feelings
  2. Open yourself up to letting go to build your inner strength
  3. Stop fighting, avoiding, resisting, controlling and manipulating and instead go within yourself to let go of the triggers that create feelings of lack
  4. Look at what you would like to have and plan your life accordingly
  5. Handle what is happening in your life.  Whatever triggers you let it go
  6. While you focus on lack, you only have more lack in your life. Shift your focus on what you would like to have
  7. List five to six high-priority steps of what you will do to work towards what you would love to have, and work towards that

The techniques I use in transformation coaching have helped many people to let go and build their emotional intelligence.  This will build your inner strength where you can be more proactive rather than reactive.

Through the transformation coaching program, I can help you cleanse the ‘rubbish’ you have taken on through life, stress and challenges.  When you clean up and clear out, you grow from strength to strength internally so you are more able to cope with life, through transforming your mindset.

Attempting to change your outer world will exhaust you.  While changing your inner world will give you energy, confidence, more love, a sense of belonging and more happiness, instead of depression and anxiety. With your commitment to the transformation coaching program, I can guide you through steps to let go, and discover route causes that will help you let go for good in order for you to be as great as you would like to be in your life.

A great master said ‘it’s the pain that ends all pain’

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