Do you feel like a fish going around and around in a fish bowel from one year to the next, having no direction or clarity and possibly making you feel anxious or depressed? I ask clients what is their vision for life and they very often struggle to answer the question. Most of the time they seek happiness and peace within, yet it takes more than this to live a fulfilled life. None of them have written, clear goals and plans for their life.
We function from the subconscious mind in auto pilot from day to day rather than from a conscious mind. This means we function on limiting beliefs. This also includes habits such as doing the same thing over and over. You unfortunately have no idea what you are moving towards
You can’t control your outside world but you can control your inside world. In order to control your inside world you must have direction and clarity. Write out your goals, so that you can follow them from day to day and set action steps towards what you would like to have. You also cannot just write the steps out, you have to take action towards them. Take baby steps if necessary, towards your goals.
Don’t take it for granted that it will just happen and manifest in your life. The trap of familiarity can keep you sitting on your couch doing nothing about it. However it won’t get you to where you would like to be, ever!
The fundamental key is to design plans for your future. Master the skills to get you where you would like to be. Learn from experts. Remember, the quality of what you do and how you do it, depends on the quality of those you hang out with (as said by Dr Demartini).
Get excited about your goals that are going as you move towards them. Be grateful for every action step you take, and for every successful action step you take. Happy, successful people are those who have written goals and are grateful for every small achievement.
Complete belief and faith will get you there. You have to however be in control of your emotions and your limiting beliefs. Removing emotions and limiting beliefs towards money or physical goals can stop you from achieving your goals. Limiting beliefs and emotions towards your career will keep you stuck in the same position such as, I am not good enough, I am not smart enough, I have not qualifications, I have no experience. All and more can stop you from achieving.
Decide today to make the change you desperately seek for yourself and book an appointment with me before you reach a state of depression or anxiety. Join us for a goal setting workshop on the last Saturday of January 2020 to help you set goals, write your action steps and create your vision board. Follow this link to keep updated on the details.