Unfortunately many of us do not know what our purpose is.  We ask ourselves these questions every day, and yet we never seem to find the answer.

Perhaps you feel lost, frustrated, and, most of all, stuck for never having the answer to one or both questions. You may feel you are in the same vicious circle from one day to the next, as you search your external world for the answer to the nagging questions.  However, the outside world, the world beyond you, tends to offer merely a temporary solution.  Taking on a new job, or investing your life savings on an unsuitable franchise or even starting up a business doomed to failure, demotivates you after a few months as your new venture begins to lose its attraction.

When this happens, you no longer set goals because you are tired of trying to find your purpose, tired of feeling stuck. It becomes too much effort to take the next step.  Some may experience frustration, anger, low self-esteem, or low confidence. After a while depression and anxiety can set in.

I job hopped from one job into the next, and ran a variety of my own businesses, as I continuously searched for my specific purpose.

If I said I had an idea, my family would say, “Oh dear”.

They knew I was bored and frustrated. It was time for me to move on and try something new.

Boredom and frustration in our work occurs because we are not doing what we love as our career.  As a result, we continuously try to change our external world to resolve the issue.

Yet we can discover the answer, if only we take the time to look within ourselves.

Searching for your purpose can be compared to searching for one indigenous flower on a huge mountain.  The struggle seems endless. Up and up the mountain you search, stumbling, falling, feeling as if you are going backwards and there is no end in sight. However, finding your purpose is like finding a compass which sets you on an exciting journey directing you to that one beautiful flower that belongs to you alone.

The ultimate Search: The purpose within your career.

This is where the real void can lie; a void that can repeat itself over and over again.

Purpose is suppressed because of limiting or negative beliefs, fears, or doubts.   Once you are able to identify these negative beliefs and feelings, you can work on letting them go, so you can live a life you love and love the life you live.

I can help you to:

  • reset your compass in order to move you in the direction of your ultimate purpose;
  • rephrase that one question that keeps popping up in your head almost every day to a more powerful, quality question;
  • Understand your subconscious values and ensure they are aligned with your conscious values.

I work with many people who feel they are at a standstill in their career but by the time the coaching process is finished, the way ahead for them has become clear.

At last they can say ‘I feel like the world has been lifted off my shoulders,’ for now they have direction.

I can do the same for you.

If you would like to experience this too, call me today to find your purpose in your career; or go to www.inspirationalfutures.co.za/purpose-finder to complete the questionnaire for guidance to help you find your true purpose.