Professional CV Writing & Interview Skills

Are you asking yourself?
- What is important to include in my CV?
- Where are the opportunities? and who will want what I have to offer?
- When I find the opportunities, what can I expect in an interview?
How prepared are you to write your own professional CV, for interview questioning and job readiness?
Schools usually focus on the academic side and do not always prepare you for the any of the above-mentioned. This is where Debbie can provide you with skills and also write you a personally branded CV, with relevant interview skills for interview questioning, guide you through researching companies as well as prepare you for job readiness.
As much as your family or friends are there to help and guide you, they are not always qualified, skilled or experienced to assist you in these areas and this is the single most important area where professional assistance is required to get you that interview and that job.
Why you need a good and professional C.V. – Curriculum Vitae
Meaning: Origin – Latin – “course of life” i.e. story of your life.
In order to access to your dream job/university/or grant, you need a C.V. – a story of your life. The “story of your life” is not some made-up fantasy about who you would like to be, but rather an accurate and well articulated marketing tool, highlighting your achievements experience, skills, and knowledge.
Your C.V. is often the first form of introduction between yourself and your future employer, and therefore needs to market yourself and your skills to gain access to that desired interview.
Our C.V writing services enable you to use your C.V. as a strategic marketing tool. We follow a rigorous process of understanding your “life story” through understanding your capabilities, goals and achievement, then articulating it in such a way to so as to highlight your capabilities and make your C.V. stand out in the “crowd”. We also offer services for interview coaching to help you land that job.
This package includes:
- CV writing, interview coaching and job readiness
- Determine your values to make good decisions for life
- Successful goal setting
- Raise self-esteem
- Motivation
- Financial Freedom