Category Archives: blog

Is It Worth Risking Your Self-Worth, Mental or Physical Well-Being For Pleasing Others?

Depression, Anxiety, Low Self-Esteem, Anger all relate to risks affecting your self-worth, mental and physical well-being, and through Life Coaching there is hope if you notice the risk early enough. You know your self-worth, and mental or physical well-being are deteriorating.  You can feel your energy dropping, You feel less happy than before.  Your confidence […]

Overthinking and Overanalysing Is A Big Contribution to Anger, Anxiety, Depression and Low Self-Esteem

A lot of Anger, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and suffering stems from overthinking and overanalyzing, and as a Life Coach in Johannesburg, I have seen the damage it causes.  It all contributes to turmoil at work, home, health-wise, socially, and in other areas of your life.  Your mental well-being and self-esteem are affected as negative […]

Affairs Are On The Rise – Make A Change From This Abusive Behaviour In 7 Uplifting Steps

For those on the receiving end, I (Life Coach in Johannesburg) understand what you are going through, and how that can create feelings of depression and anxiety. The pain is intense when you find out your spouse or partner is having an affair.  You feel you are not good enough, and the person having the […]

Be More Than You Ever Thought You Could Be By Developing Your Brain

Not knowing who you are supports feelings of abandonment, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, feeling lost or stuck with no direction or clarity in life. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to find moments of calm amidst the chaos of everyday life. With constant distractions and endless to-do lists, it’s easy to get caught […]