Do you find your job inspiring and fulfilling, or do you dread going to work, feeling the heaviness of the Sunday and Monday blues which lowers your self-esteem, and leaves you with a lack in having a purpose of life. Considering that a significant portion of your life is spent working, aligning your career with […]
Category Archives: blog
In our fast-paced world, it’s common to experience stress, overwhelm, and anxiety which limits mindfulness. These emotions can make it difficult to concentrate during the day and even harder to fall asleep at night. The root cause often lies in where your focus is directed. Instead of looking inward, you tend to fixate on external […]
You get lost in your day-to-day life, influenced by external factors, and lose yourself in trauma and challenges, however with a Life Coach in Johannesburg you will discover yourself again through your highest values. Being caught up in the drudgery of life leads to unwanted behaviors, unwanted habits and belief systems that cause you to […]
In a world where self-criticism often reigns supreme, the notion of a healthy self-esteem through loving yourself can feel like a radical act alone, but working with a Life Coach can make it easier and quicker. Yet, it’s a journey worth embarking on—one that holds the power to transform your life from within. It’s not […]
Building up your self- esteem can only come from the work you do from within you, and as your Life Coach in Johannesburg, I am here to transform your inner world with phenomenal results. In the bustling symphony of life, amidst the cacophony of external demands and expectations, we often find ourselves neglecting the most […]
Having Imposter Syndrome (or what is also known as the ego mind), was one of the motivators that led me to Life Coaching in Johannesburg. It causes overthinking and overanalysing, which eventually leads you into a deep dark tunnel. If you are tired of constantly creating problems for yourself, then continue reading. It’s time to […]
The profound consequences of low self-esteem, lingering anger, frustration, and the potential onset of anxiety and depression can have you feeling stuck, lack of purpose, demotivated, or like something is missing in your life. Knowing your values is a powerful tool It became clear that my well-being was intricately connected to staying true to my […]
In the fast-paced world of career-driven individuals, it’s not uncommon to become so immersed in professional pursuits that other essential aspects of life, such as your self-esteem, take a back seat. Your career can be taken away from you at any time and while your self-worth is invested in your career. The outcome is that […]
Goal-setting is crucial for success in all areas of life and through Transformation Coaching, I can guide you to structured goal setting for a life you love. While you are living a directionless life, your self-esteem can drop, your anger raised and possibly even bring on depression and anxiety. Setting and achieving goals is a […]
Communication is the cornerstone of human connection and understanding and as a Life Coach in Johannesburg, I can help you to open yourself up to communication. Lack of communication causes breakdowns in relationships, anger, depression, anxiety and other emotions that don’t make us feel good. Communication goes beyond mere words; it encompasses the art of […]