Do you feel as though, one part of you is pushing you forward while another is pulling you back? This feeling can make us feel as though we are stuck in life and require some direction from a professional in order to move past this. Some don’t find this direction to move on, so they […]
Category Archives: blog
If I could tell my younger self one thing it would be to let go of all fears throughout life. Fears are created from within and therefore only an illusion created in our own mind, and often also created by outside influences adopted throughout our life. We speak to those closest to us about our […]
We forget to value ourselves and due to this we do things for our spouse, children, family, work and other areas of our lives. However we never stop to consider what it is that we want. People would maybe say this is a selfish approach to put ourselves first, but consider this: we add value in family, […]
A story a South African or resident will understand…Today a friend saw two middle aged men walking kids home from school ensuring their safety on their walk home. One in front and one at the back of a long line of kids. People become creative and usually do good for others when they are challenged. […]