If you are one who feeds on peoples misfortunes even if it is with compassion, you are addicted to drama. If you are the one with all the news in the company you work for, or are part of cliques who discuss what is wrong with everything such as your boss, the country, your family […]
Category Archives: blog
Think of your favourite music band or solo artist. Before they became rich and famous, do you think they: Allowed their fears or limiting beliefs to get in the way of their dreams? Sat down and worked out first what job or business would make them the most money? No, more than likely not. Do […]
Anger can sometimes feel like a surge of bad energy that does not care who or what is in it’s way. It’s like a broken electric cable waving around aimlessly while spurting out electricity charges to whoever is on the receiving end, which can be frightening in itself. Those who battle with managing their anger […]
No one would ever put a commentator on TV to commentate about rugby when their passion is cricket and vice versa. So why do we put ourselves in a situation where we are not passionate about what we do, day in and day out? You compare yourself to others who are motivated, driven and you […]
What the franchise owner will generally tell you or do: They will tell you mostly about all the good things regarding the franchise. They won’t tell you about seasonality and the highs and lows, or what costs the business the most money; They will give you their own version as to why other […]
Before you spend your life savings buying a franchise, first do some serious research. Here are some pointers you may want to make or consider as a check list as your own research: First and foremost check to see how professional their training is and if it covers aspects that you are not familiar with […]
Is your stress and worry brought about by not taking responsibility? Think about it carefully, think of something that is of great worry or concern to you now; is the stress and worry caused from something you have done, or about to do and don’t want to take responsibility for? Finding someone or something else […]
This is how people’s perceptions can be so different and how it can affect your life or those around you. One day standing in a pharmacy with my 8 year old step daughter, I see a man looking at items on the shelves but also looking around as if to see who is watching him. […]
It was coming up for my 40th birthday and I just knew in my heart, that there was more to life than the life I had been living. It was a feeling I could not explain more than that. People said I was going through a mid-life crisis which it could have been, but I […]
Each of us looks in the mirror and thinks, I hate my hair, I hate the marks on my face, I am so fat, I hate my muffin tops, but when do we stop to review our life and what we are doing about it? We want to put our families first but instead we […]