Category Archives: blog

Is The Fear Of Losing Your Job Making You Feel Down And Anxious?

Often heard lately, are the news stories of yet another company making losses and having to close doors, while people have feared to lose their jobs, creating uncontrollable anxiety.  It is very unfortunate and being retrenched can affect your confidence and self-esteem that may already be affected by other factors. The word is that the economy […]

9 Powerful Steps to Manage Change In Your Life

Resistance to change along with negative feelings and beliefs can contribute to depression and anxiety which lowers our emotional intelligence (EQ). Change is hard to face only because you have fears which limit you and cause you to remain in your comfort zone. Your Reticular Activating System, the Psycho-Cybernetic Mechanism and the Amygdala are on […]

Why Do You Hang On To Negative Emotions?

Many of us allow a build-up of emotions such as fears, doubts, irritation, frustration and anger all contributing to anxiety, depression and low self-esteem.   Common of these include fearing the future, fear of loss, anger and doubting your capabilities. Some people think that holding on to negative emotions will make them feel better.  However, when […]