Category Archives: blog

Change Can Be Terrifying But It Can Also Be Filled With Opportunity

How do you accept change when it affects you to the point of feeling anxious and depressed?  Every time you feel anxious, you have panic attacks.  You cannot breathe, your chest tightens up and you feel you are having heart problems.  Feeling fatigued along with the lack of concentration becomes a common trend in your […]

Your Lifeline For Anxiety And Depression Caused By Childhood Experiences

After delving deep into the reasons behind depression and anxiety, by probing the subconscious mind and using the NLP processes, there are many underlying causes which contribute to these limiting mood disorders, such as (but not limited to): abandonment; feeling unloved; excluded; being unwanted and tossed aside; feeling of not mattering; having no purpose; feeling […]

Understanding The True Meaning Of ‘What You Give Is What You Get’

Depression, anxiety, anger, low self-esteem, and many other problems have unfortunately come from what you have created, consciously or unconsciously. It is a hard pill to swallow hearing this for the first time, however, there is much truth in it.  For every cause, you create there is an effect.  My first question when I heard […]

How Meditation Heals Your Body And Mind

Meditating ultimately improves physical, mental health, and well-being.  Meditations have the huge advantage of rejuvenating and healing your body and mind and it only costs a short time of your life daily.  Unfortunately, we don’t always take the time for ourselves to do something so simple to feel happier and more peaceful in life.  Additionally, your […]

Why You Self-Sabotage

As a Transformation Coach in Johannesburg, I see how clients have self-sabotaged which led them into states of anger, anxiety-causing some to become depressed.  You know what you want for yourself and will pursue a task with good intentions, but then allow your beliefs or emotions to get in the way and self-sabotage. Beating yourself […]

Hit The Ground Running – Have Direction In Your Life By The End of Lockdown

At the start of lockdown in South Africa, people are already feeling the impact financially, familial, socially and more, leading to fear, which develops to anger, depression, and anxiety.  Fear of the unknown has set in for many who are begging for answers.  Desperately seeking certainty of the future. Your Choice To Stay In Your […]