At the end of each year, many school leavers go on to face their future with little or no Career Guidance leaving them feeling lost about what to do next. A very stressful life event for those who have no pointer in the right direction of their career, regardless of what age you are or where you are at in your life.

Are Aptitude Tests The Answer?

For me, I completed a psychometric assessment and aptitude test after leaving school. Today I can say, it was completely off track in terms of my career as to where I am now. Following the results of the tests, I would get bored every two years and leave my job. However, today I am doing what I love and love what I do every day.

From my experience of working with many clients, it appears they had very similar experiences. Unfortunately, they are in their 40’s now with huge financial responsibilities.  A career they can’t easily give up, to start all over again and other responsibilities. These are further exasperated by the fact that they are bored, frustrated and unhappy in the career they are currently in.

Are Learnerships Always Helpful If It’s Not What You Would Love To Do?

I hear how clients are offered learnerships and accept them.  However, only for the sake of moving forward and having a job opportunity. Yet are they moving forward? I have worked with many people who are or have been in this scenario.  The face boredom and frustration daily feeling much hatred for their jobs. Not only does the employer lose out on their investment, but the employee also loses out on wasted years and stress.

Get It Right From The Start

It is for this reason that the key to getting it right from the start for your own happiness and fulfilment in life. Not all is lost though. I believe everything happens for a reason and in one way or another that experience and the skills that are developed from that will pay off. But wouldn’t it better if you were steered in the direction of your purpose in order to grow along with that path from the start of your career? A path you love and are passionate about?

It’s Not Too Late

Again, I say not all hope should be lost. Even if you have been in a career you don’t love, it is never too late for change. My husband, as well as other clients, have plans in place to make the transformation happen in their life. I have the proven and successful experience to coach you through this transformation.

What News24 Has To Say

According to New24, they advise students to talk with their parents, guardians or mentors. This is not necessarily the best advice.  Some parents advise going where they will make the most money or where they have unfulfilled dreams. In this case, too, I have seen various clients who say their parents gave them this advice, however, they don’t feel fulfilled and are very unhappy in their career. Chasing money doesn’t ever bring happiness unless money is your highest value. Even then you will be working hard the rest of your life doing what you don’t necessarily love. This only creates so much stress in your life.

News24 goes on to say, ‘they need to attend career path workshops and expos, apply for scholarships and seek internships or experiential work’. Attending expos and applying for scholarships won’t help if you have no idea what you would like to do due to fears holding you back. Experiential work can help to distinguish between what is not a passion and what is but will not always provide answers.

Benefits of Career Guidance

Career path workshops are a great idea if they are steered towards your passion and purpose as this will usually lead you to the right path in life, as long as you complete them by being completely honest with yourself. Look out for our workshops with Inspirational Futures in 2020 on Career Guidance and Finding Your Purpose of Life. The workshops are designed to:

• discover your passion
• know your purpose
• have a motivating reason
• establish your fears and let go of them
• receive tools to work with to overcome your fears

the reason that will steer you like a compass in the direction where you have passion for what you do, for a fulfilled career.