Are you lacking direction and seeking career counselling while realising that career guidance would help you right now to have an inspiring purpose of life?  Unfortunately, you don’t know what the right career is for you, causing you to feel stuck.  Unable to move forward in anything.

Family or friends don’t always understand when you explain to them you are not happy in your career.

They will tell you that:

  • you lucky to have a job
  • stability is important
  • stay where you are, you are crazy to change jobs now
  • they possibly laugh at you when you talk about a career change
  • you are too old to change jobs

This makes it more difficult for you as you struggle to enjoy what you are doing in your current job.  Only adding to the stress you already have.  You know that there is more to life but you are not sure what it is.

In my experience, I was in various jobs where I only felt fulfilled for one to two years.  I would then leave and move on to find something more exciting, challenging, and inspiring.  The pattern continued for years.  Eventually, in my early 40’s I realised that, the job I was doing, as well as, the jobs I had done before, never made me feel it was enough.  My reason for waking up every day was for my children until I realised that they would move out of the house within 5-8 years and I would lose my reason.

After being in and out of jobs and starting up different businesses, I was still not fulfilled.  To add further stress, people would say (with the best intention), do something that will make you a lot of money.  This is not the best advice.

A career in the future is no longer about skills alone.  It is first about aligning what you love to do and then aligning your skills ™.

You ask yourself ‘How can I successfully make this transition?’

It is my purpose of life to help you find meaning and purpose in your career with result-driven career counselling and career guidance that will certainly inspire you and move you forward.  Inspiration to get out of bed in the morning with excitement and exhilaration will ensure the success of making your dream come true.  I am inspired in this way to provide you with direction and clarity to a career that makes you happy, fulfilled, and inspired.  Book one free session with me today to make a transition you will feel completely uplifted by.