A client was giving up on her career as an Entrepreneur and her confidence was at an all-time low because she had been through a very traumatic time. It was truly a troublesome and traumatic year, which affected all areas of her life.
Everything felt pointless with no purpose and she had been struggling for more than a year to discover some direction in her career. She needed a shift into something that would boost her, even if it was different and new. She was letting go of everything to protect herself from further hurt and pain.
Through various situations, she felt hopeless. She was shrinking away under all her own self-protection mechanisms due to the trauma. She aged so much in her resilience. It’s one of those cases where too much of anything is not good for you. She was feeling timid and fragile, emotionally tired and ageing quicker than she should have.
A lot of inner conflict was going on, resulting in questioning her life’s purpose and wondering if what she was doing was for a valuable purpose. The intensity of her inner conflict only increased with so many questions.
It was best for her to assess her situation and decide to hold on to what she had built and created for the last seven years or let go. She felt blinded and kept in the dark with no guidance or assistance.
Through a family constellation, she regained her inner age and her confidence to continue in what she was doing in her career. But also to not give up on life.
What was discovered through the family constellation was that as a baby she felt a loss or lack of nurturing. It was interesting because this was the root cause feeling of her wanting to give up at such a young age. What was also interesting was that at this young age she felt she lacked nurturing, and due to this she subconsciously wanted to nurture others. Unfortunately, the feeling of lack drove her to overdo it with people who would not take responsibility in their lives, which ultimately drained her.
How Coaching Can Transform Your Life
You may not always understand why negative situations, or challenges that can truly weigh you down, or traumatic experiences happen in your life. In many situations, your confidence can take a beating but when you make the effort to get the help for this you will experience peace, love, happiness, contentment and confidence once again. Ultimately you then regain control of your life.