Your children are coming of an age where they will be moving out of the house making you feel anxious, depressed, with no purpose of life, and feeling stuck. You wonder and ask yourself, ‘what is left for me if they are gone?’ I’ve been in this position myself and not everyone understands it until […]
Author Archives: admin
Before I started my career as a Life Coach in Johannesburg, I found myself with little purpose of life. Do you find yourself in the position of wanting to change careers in your 30’s, 40’s, or even 50’s? Are you looking for a Life Coach In Johannesburg to guide you? Does your current career provide […]
The feeling of being stuck has resulted in anxiety and depression for many people. It is very unfortunate that people are not being steered into careers that are aligned with their soul. The soul is seeking to BE, DO and as a result, HAVE. There is no fulfillment and no joy in a day-to-day job for […]
Overthinking and overanalysing keep the mind unnecessarily busy with negative thoughts that can lead to depression, anxiety, anger, and low self-esteem. You can’t sleep at night as you overthink and overanalyse every situation. You overanalyse conversations you had during the day. Wondering if you could have done it better, what you said wrong, how you […]
Whether I see clients with Low Self-esteem or anger management, I often find similarities in the causes. Similarities can be: not being able to express yourself; feeling not good enough; you feel that you are not heard or not seen; not being acknowledged; comparing you to others and not being assertive enough. Amongst others, these […]
Do you find yourself feeling disappointed by your actions and that you have failed yourself steering you to low self-esteem. You believe you are not good enough, not worthy, and a failure. Your intentions are to be perfect in all that you do, yet consciously you know perfection is impossible to achieve. You know that […]
As a Transformational Life Coach in Johannesburg, I hear so many stories where adults were once run down by their parents which has now led to depression, anxiety, and even low self-esteem. One or both parents have told their children: you are useless; you will never amount to anything; don’t work hard enough; not giving […]
As a professional Transformational Life Coach in Johannesburg, when asking my clients suffering from depression and anxiety, what is limiting them, the answer is always themselves and their mind that keeps them overthinking, living in fear and doubt. You do your best to control it, but the more you try and control it, the more […]
Are your fears and self-doubts limiting you and causing anxiety and depression and now, you are looking for a Transformational Coach in Johannesburg? All you would like to do is find answers. What is the purpose of life? What would it be like to have a purpose in your career? A purpose that gives you […]
As a Transformation Life Coach, I see how depression, anxiety, and low-self-esteem have taken over my client’s lives and they now seek peace of mind and purpose. No longer knowing who they are. This may be your experience too. You feel irritated and frustrated with circumstances. You know a particular version of yourself that was […]