Author Archives: admin

Have You Been Living According To What Society Dictates And In So Doing, Live A Miserable Life?

You are born into life thinking there is a specific way to act, think and feel yet it is those things that can cause low self-esteem, anger, anxiety, and depression. You live by what society dictates to you which is usually to: get a good education, go out into the big world and get a […]

Master Your Life Through A Mindfulness Journey Inspired By Transformation Coaching & Proven Techniques

                   JOIN THIS PHENOMENAL 12-MONTH PROGRAM TO MASTER YOUR LIFE, THROUGH TRANSFORMATION COACHING The law of consciousness states: 'We are only subject to what we hold in mind' Are you aware that the body obeys the mind? Therefore you manifest through your body, what you believe in [...]

Are You Procrastinating, Feeling Demotivated And Unfulfilled In Your Career?

As a Transformation Life Coach in Johannesburg, I see many clients who are demotivated, uninspired, and procrastinate daily, affecting and lowering their self-esteem.  If you can relate to this, you are not alone.  I felt the same many years ago, and this is what I went through and others are also experiencing now. With each […]

9 Empowering Steps To Create, And Plan Towards An Inspiring Vision For Yourself

Uncertainty relating to your goals and direction in your life may lower your self-esteem, but as a Life Coach in Johannesburg, it is my passion and purpose to provide you with answers and raise your self-esteem.  You may be going from day to day with little or no vision at all.  Living in hope that […]

7 Ways To Make Better Decisions For Yourself While Accepting Consequences

Very low self-esteem can make decision-making quite difficult, causing you self-doubt and therefore second-guessing much of what you do.  Thinking back in time, you know that you were often shy but over the years your self-esteem has deteriorated. Another cause of your self-esteem deteriorating is the ongoing failures of your decision-making.  So you take fewer […]

7 Ways For Entrepreneurs To Boost Business During Uncertain Times

As a Life Coach in Johannesburg and working with Entrepreneurs, it is apparent that some Entrepreneurs are taking strain during these uncertain times.  Looking for business can be challenging but what if you can make changes within yourself to bring about the change you desire. Practical answers from books and information are obtainable on the […]

7 Ways To Cope In A World Where Uncertainty Prevails, Contributing To Your Stress

How do you cope with stress in times of uncertainty, which is causing you to experience anxiety, thus resulting in panic attacks, as well as finding yourself plunging into a dark space of depression? Getting the help you need isn’t weak, it strengthens you I found myself day-in and day-out focussing on the future and […]

Career Counselling And Guidance That Inspires You To Do A Job You Love

Are you lacking direction and seeking career counselling while realising that career guidance would help you right now to have an inspiring purpose of life?  Unfortunately, you don’t know what the right career is for you, causing you to feel stuck.  Unable to move forward in anything. Family or friends don’t always understand when you […]