Author Archives: admin

9 Powerful Steps to Manage Change In Your Life

Resistance to change along with negative feelings and beliefs can contribute to depression and anxiety which lowers our emotional intelligence (EQ). Change is hard to face only because you have fears which limit you and cause you to remain in your comfort zone. Your Reticular Activating System, the Psycho-Cybernetic Mechanism and the Amygdala are on […]

Why Do You Hang On To Negative Emotions?

Many of us allow a build-up of emotions such as fears, doubts, irritation, frustration and anger all contributing to anxiety, depression and low self-esteem.   Common of these include fearing the future, fear of loss, anger and doubting your capabilities. Some people think that holding on to negative emotions will make them feel better.  However, when […]

Do You Choose A Life With Stress Or Without Stress?

Either anger, low self-esteem, anxiety or depression can be brought on by stress.  You tend to live the majority of your life by stress.  However, when you move into consciousness, or another way of putting it is, to function from the conscious mind.  You realise that stress isn’t necessary. Resisting Taking Responsibility Can Cause Your […]

You asked, Can I Live a Life I Love? And I Answered

The answer is, yes it is possible to live a life you’ll love without fears, worry, stress anxiety and depression. All these causing you to react based on your emotional state. The million-dollar question is then, why don’t we? Society leads you to believe that you must fear the one you pray to.  Adding to this, […]

The Reason You, Students Or Employees Are Not Necessarily Lazy

Clients who have not yet found their Purpose in Life are usually the ones who believe they are lazy.  They will procrastinate and due to this, become demotivated as their willpower is drained.  The reason they find themselves to be lazy or procrastinators is because they do not enjoy what they are doing in their […]