Are you in a soul-crushing job and looking for career guidance or your purpose of life? Or not even in a job? Maybe you are one of many who have become tired of the corporate world and looking for both purpose and career guidance.
Does your job define who you are? If not then why are you doing it? Are you doing your job to support your family or are you doing it to meet your financial responsibilities? Either way, knowing why you are doing what you are doing, especially if there is no joy in it, is just as important for your fulfillment in life.
Guiding you to the right career, no matter what age you are, is my specialty as a Transformation Coach. A career that will make you excited to get up in the morning, to do something you love every day. A fulfilling career that you love to do and that makes you feel inspired to unleash your creativity. By doing so you open yourself up to opportunities.
I worked in corporate and never felt fulfilled. Due to this I felt stuck in life with no purpose in my career. I searched for several years and tried so many different business ideas, which all failed as I either got bored, frustrated and gave up easily.
I realise now that my ‘own business’ was a fantasy idea and in a situation such as this, the business or fantasy job would generally fail. Being in a business or job doing what you love, however, is a whole new dream that can come true. You can have that dream job, it is yours when you are following the right career. Life becomes easier when you are in the flow of what inspires you.
Evolution and growth don’t come from remaining stuck in your comfort zone. Your comfort zone keeps you doing the same thing every day. Drinking out of the same coffee mug, following the same route to work, complaining about the same things daily. Feeling the same emotions and lack of desire. Nor does growth come from leaving it to next year to do something – this is also your comfort zone.
Move out of your comfort zone today. Stop allowing your job to crush your soul and move into a career you love. When you do this, the feeling of being stuck will disappear and you can then move forward with ease.
I have the tools to help you with career guidance no matter your age and take your career to the next level. You will then have a purpose of life, which leads to feeling more fulfilled. As well as having a clear direction in your life. This is your opportunity now to take action and start living an inspiring life. Act now and take advantage of our Black Friday Special of 6 hours of coaching which was R3,465 and now selling for only R2,425. A small fee to pay to know you are in the right career where you are inspired and driven every day.
Thank you to Fotolia for the image