Phenomenal Results That Have Noticeable Differences, With A
Master Transformation Coach Johannesburg
Be More Than You Thought You Could Be By Raising Your Self-Love & Self-Worth With Coaching Techniques That Show Results
Prolonging and ignoring your mental health that is causing anxiety and depression, anger, low self-esteem, a lack of self-confidence or limiting you from discovering your purpose of life, will only prolong your struggle through life. You lose yourself over time while thinking ‘it’s all okay’, however it is not. For a short period it is possible to find self-confidence in a job, in a relationship or any other area of your life. However, it unfortunately won’t last forever. For example, should your job or relationship end, you will lose yourself once again and your inside world will crumble. I have seen it with all my new clients over the last ten years, how they have previously thrown themselves into everything, never having awareness of their inner world which only strengthens imposter syndrome. Improving your mental health is growth from within, and is where your power and strength will come from.
By looking outside yourself (to others) for acknowledgement, attention, value and a sense of belonging is a temporary fix to what is actually going on inside of you. See it from the point of view that, anything can happen and those people providing you with feel good emotions, can at any time, move on without you. Once they do, where will you receive the attention, acknowledgement, validation and sense of belonging come from? Until you can find your sense of self-worth, love, belonging, value, respect and so on from your own inside world, rather than seeking it from people (outside world), you will always be disappointed and hurt in one way or another.
Many years ago my attention was fully on the outside world. I was not focused on my self-love, self-worth, self-value, self-respect and feeling enough and lost myself to the outside world. The consequences and lessons became harder until I saw what I was doing to myself and through this consistent behaviour, learned the lessons. I realised through these lessons, that it is too easy to get caught up in the outer world and lose the connection with your inner world where there is an abundance of everything you need within, which improves your mindfulness and mental health.
Do whatever you do from a place of love for yourself first, because when you love yourself first.
Check-in with yourself right now by asking yourself, where you are not:
- Putting yourself first?
- Doing what you love?
- Prioritising you?
- Putting your values above everyone else’s?
- Having fun?
If you are dissatisfied with your answers to the above questions and find you are not allowing yourself to be first, then why not make the change now rather than wait for the hard lessons that come with it? Make the changes you deserve and which align with self-love. In continuously taking the back seat, you will linger in struggle through life while prolonging what is necessary for your personal growth. Struggles and suffering continuously, are unnecessary as help is available here.
Before the age of 40. I had no idea how important my self-love and mental health was. As well as how it was being affected by the directionless lifestyle I was living. By the age of 40, I had experienced:
- Anger, Frustration and Irritation all affected my physical health and mental health; I was angry at the world and at life; I never felt satisfied or grateful; problems would follow me. It all changed with my coaching techniques;
- Anxiety and Depression. The anxiety affected my communication and would panic, which meant I couldn’t think in those moments; The depression made me feel sad, fearful, doubtful, and hurt beyond explanation;
- Low Self-esteem. This meant I could not make decisions for myself, I feared failure and success; self-doubt; carrying regret and guilt of the past; being stuck in past thinking and therefore not being able to move forward;
- Grief due to my brother’s passing at the age of 32. This left me in deep sadness, suppressing my emotions I didn’t want to deal with; a deep pain and sadness I could not express or let go of and took prescribed medication to suppress the pain;
- A mid-life crisis – I lost who I was and stopped caring for some time as it was the only way I knew how to cope. Instead of seeking out help, I tried to deal with it myself which only made matters worse for me and those around me at that time;
- My physical health and mental health deteriorated due to my emotional state;
- Searched for my purpose of life from when I started working and never found answers until I started my life coaching I would feel stuck in life; wondering often ‘what is my purpose?’ or ‘Why am I here’; I knew there was more to life but I didn’t know what it was;
- Attempted several business ideas where most failed
- A lack of control of my emotions
- Brain fog and what felt like a constant pressure on my head
I had been to various professionals who spoke about the issues I was facing, which unfortunately I found, that it didn’t help me. Or possibly, it was fortunate, as I found that techniques worked better for me. They shifted me from within in the most natural way, which I found to be more effective and I could feel and see the long-term results and benefits.
I moved on to reading many self-help books and through this, I grew to a certain point and then needed more to move me to the next level of growth.
Your world transforms from misfortune, struggle, fears, doubts, guilt, shame, anger, hurt to such a unanimous love, supported by compassion, forgiveness, self-respect and alignment with yourself. You can experience your true beauty within which is achievable. This way you are aligned with your authentic self. It is what I have strived for through my personal growth and is a specialised area I work in. To have your self-love/worth boosted to an all-time achievable level, contact me as your Life Coach in Johannesburg, for one free session.
Without your brain you are nothing. In saying this, hopefully, it is more apparent now that you understand the importance of your brain. You are aware that your brain is powerful, yet you don’t use it to your benefit.
When your emotions and thoughts have taken over and you have little control of both, you are no longer able to have the mental strength to rise above them.
Are You Inward Bound Or Outward Bound?
In my strive for more growth following ten years of deep anxiety and depression, I kept searching the outer world for answers that would make me feel better, or that would help me to grow.
I finally found the right courses for me that focussed on the inner world, leaving me with positive changes that were apparent to myself and others. From these courses, I use various profound techniques and one specifically is Family Constellations, which boosted my growth and will do the same for you. The courses changed my life in leaps and bounds, beyond all expectations. By applying the processes to my own life, I have boosted my consciousness/awareness which has uplifted my life.
Little did I realise that I could also find such profound answers in my inside world. All I had to do was quiet the outside world and quiet my very busy mind which resulted in growth in mindfulness. It took time but learned to quiet my mind and move into a space of stillness, where I could reach those profound answers.
Purpose of Life
After searching for my purpose of life for many years, I decided to do what I always wanted to do, and that is Life Coaching. Due to fears, doubts and limiting beliefs, I avoided my true path and purpose for 20 years. raised my self-esteem and now I believe in myself, trust myself, love myself, and feel worthy and deserving.
- know myself through self-love Therefore, I have grown in consciousness which means, peace of mind, overcoming fears, doubts, sadness, hurt, and not feeling enough
- to find my purpose of life every day I do what I love and I feel inspired. I have purpose and meaning
- aligned with knowing what I want and what is important to me
- my health is improving
- I have owned successful businesses, and have now reduced that to one namely: Inspirational Futures as this is where my strength is
- my emotional intelligence, resilience and coping mechanisms have soared beyond expectations, thanks to the proven successful techniques I currently use today
- my conscious awareness is beyond what I ever knew could be possible in this world and that has given me peace of mind, improved relationships with people, courage, more resilience, willingness, joy, courage, higher self-esteem, more kindness, love and care towards myself and others
- I know myself more than ever before, and that means authenticity
- Brain fog and confusion have lifted and I can focus more
To experience the same as I have, in terms of growth in my mental health, self-love, authenticity, mindfulness resulting in peace of mind, raised self-esteem, managed anger, and letting go of anxiety and depression for a happier and more fulfilling life, call me or email me now to receive one free 45-minute introductory session. I can then explain how the coaching techniques work, and discover how much value you will receive through life coaching.